What is a clothing Swap?

In a world where fashion changes at the speed of light and closets fill up faster than we can wear what’s in them, what if I told you there is a way to refresh your wardrobe without spending a fortune and, at the same time, contribute to the well-being of the planet? Welcome to the exciting world of clothing swaps!
Revolution begins with reflection and action

In a world where fashion has become associated with speed and over-consumption, it is time to make a shift towards a sustainable future. How? Transforming future generations into responsible clothing consumers, ushering change from users in the textile industry, currently one of the planet’s most polluting sectors.
Now available the “Paco & Pepe” game, which aims to raise awareness about the “3 R’s”: Repair, Recycle and Reuse.

“Paco & Pepe” an innovative card game, has been created by the designers of The Positive Fashion Club, Fiorella Biancardi and Sonja Raaste, with the aim of teaching about the manufacture of clothing, its care and the importance of sustainability, in an entertaining and didactic way.
A morning of games at La Clariana!

On Sunday, 19/11/23, we participated in the Waste Prevention Week organized by the Barcelona City Council with a fantastic initiative to raise awareness among the little ones (and passing parents) through various activities that were set up…
Let’s transform Black Friday into Green Friday for our planet!

Black Friday, initially conceived as a day of discounts, has evolved into almost two weeks of intense consumerism with tempting offers that encourage impulsive purchases.
Interview on “Sostenibilitat amb Gisela” at Ràdio Molins de Rei

Last week, our collaborator Gisela Villasevil Pau invited us to participate in her radio program “Sostenibilitat amb Gisela” on Ràdio Molins de Rei. It was a very interesting conversation…
The Positive Fashion Club is coming to Valencia!

Valencia has witnessed an exciting fashion workshop with a different approach. It sounds like the children at Colegio Ceip Verge del Miracle had a unique experience with our talented workshop leader, Alba La Torre, participating in the “Battle of Garments Tournament”.